Re: Glassfish 4 HTTp access log max file count

From: Bhuvan Gupta <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:18:07 +0530

can this be a problem related to:


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:02 AM, Rijuta Saraykar <>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using glassfish 4 and have set max file count=5 for Http service
> access log.
> For access log we use server.http-service.access-log.max-history-files=5
> or configs.config.server-config.http-service.access-log.max-history-files=5
> Both ways, it does not work and I see that the access log files after
> rotation doesn't delete old files. I see more than 5 files in /logs/access
> directory.
> However, for server logs
> (com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.max_history_files) this file history
> limit is followed correctly. Log files rotate upto count 5 for server logs
> but not for access log. Please guide.
> Thanks.