EJB TX attr and Glassfish conn pool question

From: Noah White <>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:44:14 -0500

I’m deploying to a Glassfish environment which has a JDBC connection pool used by the application. The JDBC connection pool has a checkbox (off by default) called, “Non-Transactional Connections”.

Can anyone shed some light on the relationship of this setting and TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED?

My application’s persistence.xml defines a JTA datasource that points to a JDBC resource associated w/a JDBC connection pool. If an EJB in the application has a method annotated with @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NotSupported) will it still be non-transactional even if the checkbox for “Non-Transactional Connections” is left in its default state of unchecked?

