Last Call!: Java EE 8 Survey Part 2

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:24:51 -0500


If you have not filled out part 2 of the Java EE 8 survey yet, please
seriously consider doing so now: We will be closing the
survey Monday the 17th (midnight Pacific Time). It is one of the best
ways you can help influence the outcomes for Java EE 8.

The team is very grateful to all the folks that have taken time out of
their lives to fill out the survey already. Please be assured that your
feedback is being carefully analyzed and weighted. We will be proud to
share the results with you very, very soon. Shortly after the second
part of the survey closes, we will be starting the final and perhaps
most important part of this effort - asking you to assign some
priorities to the items that could go into solidly kicking off Java EE 8.
