Re: Getting 0 bytes JAR in EAR

From: Mark Ofarrell <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:08:38 -0800

1. I have been building and deploying this EAR for production for about a
year now. I build the EARs several times a week. Nothing has changed in the
EAR project config for sometime now.

2. Problem started last night when I accepted some Netbean plugin updates
(involving ANT and EJB related stuff); I accepted it when I first lunched
Netbeans before I could start my work. Nothing changed (by me) in my code
or project setting from the previous day.

3. All my other EAR's suffer identical problems since - The JAR project
that the EJB and WAR project uses, have 0 bytes in the EAR file. Something
in the plugin update messed it up.

I am not using Maven, so I don't have pom.xml, just direct plain Netbeans

Anyway, I tried creating new EAR projects, and simply copied the config
files from my old EARs and added the WAR and EJB JARs, and the new EAR
project is working now. My project JAR has bytes in the EAR ( just fyi on
those who might encounter similar issue).