Season's Greetings and Happy New Year from the GlassFish/Java EE Team!

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 19:35:27 -0500


On behalf of the GlassFish and Java EE team at Oracle I wish you and
your family Season's Greetings and a very Happy New Near!

As you know this has been quite an eventful year for us - especially
with the release of Java EE 7 and GlassFish 4 as well as the now ongoing
survey effort
( to
help drive the agenda for Java EE 8 and GlassFish 5, not to mention
efforts like the revamped community site. We are ever
thankful for your support and we hope to continue to try our best to
serve your interests, perhaps against what many would consider pretty
tall odds.

In the coming year, we will look forward to working harder than ever in
engaging you through the Java EE open standard
(, the GlassFish code
base, Adopt a JSR (, Java EE Blue
Print projects ( and
The Aquarium community blog (
among many other existing and upcoming efforts.


Cell: 267-798-9331
Home Office: 215-736-1208
Google/Skype: m.reza.rahman
Twitter: @reza_rahman