Glassfish 4 udpdatetool issues running on AWS Linux 64-bit

From: Shankar Nathan (islandfolks) <"Shankar>
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 09:19:12 -0500


Novice Linux user here trying to get the (32-bit) Glassfish4
"updatetool" to work on AWS 64-bit Linux AMI (which appears to use the
'rpm' package manager).

    _*The error reported:*_

    [ec2-user_at_xxx ~] *updatetool*
    /lib/ *bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory*
    *There was an error running*
    /You are running on a 64 bit Linux distribution and the 32 bit Linux/
    ///compatibility libraries do not appear to be installed. In order
    to use/
    ///the Update Center tools you must install the 32 bit compatibility

    /On Ubuntu (and possibly other Debian based systems) please install the/
    ///ia32-libs package. *On RedHat 4 (and other RPM based systems)*,
    you may/
    ///need to add multiple 'compat' runtime library packages. Please
    see the/
    ///Update Center Release Notes for more information/

The error reported when trying to execute 'updatetool' tries to be
helpful, but instructions are incomplete and I am unable to get it to
work. Please help.

The cryptic message "/Please see the //Update Center Release Note//s
for more information//" /(there are no 'Release Notes' for "Update
Center") finally led me to the wiki at

that gave the following clues (for Redhat and 'RPM based systems', which
AWS Linux is..)

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 x86 (32- and 64-bit) On 64-bit x86,
    first install these 32-bit compatibility rpms:
    32-bit libidn

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 x86 (32- and 64-bit) On 64-bit x86,
    first install these 32-bit compatibility rpms:
    32-bit libidn

I was able to find and install a '32-bit libidn', but still unable to
get 'updatetool' to work.

Please help with detailed instructions.

