Re: Logging in JSON

From: Alexander Schell <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:21:45 +0100

Hello Oliver

I'm sorry for the late answer; we had some trouble at work with a
project - CEO-Priority...

Unfortunately I don't know much about java.util.logging. I never used
it. so I'm afraid that I will not be of much help. Sorry... :(

Best regards


Am 11.11.2013 07:22, schrieb Oliver B. Fischer:
> Hello Alexander,
> I am using java.util.logging. Two things confusing. The first issue is
> that the formatter does much more then only formatting. It implements
> alos LogEventBroadcaster. So it does more then only formatting. If would
> like to implement my own formatter I should implement this interface to.
> That is the secound issue that bothers me. Also a custom log formatter
> is never used for the initial log message.
> Because of a this issues I decided to solve this problem by writing a
> simple converter. It takes all finished log files, converts them into
> JSON messages and forwards it to ElasticSearch.
> Bye,
> Oliver
> Am 07.11.13 20:17, schrieb Alexander Schell:
>> Hello Oliver
>> It's a few years ago and I cannot remember quite exactly...
>> What kind of logging framework are you using? I used Log4J back then.
>> If I remember right, I didn't wrote a formatter; forget what I said
>> before... :)
>> I tried it, but then I put all the logic in a custom appender. This
>> appender created the json represantations as also sent them over a
>> message queue to mdbean on a glassfish application server...
>> I hope that I'll find the time to reimplement it. It was a nice - Well,
>> at least in my opinion - solution to log into a database, which enabled
>> me to use all the nice sql-stuff to seachr for entries.
>> Best regards
>> Alex
>> Am 06.11.2013 23:07, schrieb Oliver B. Fischer:
>>> Hello Alexander,
>>> I implemented a very simple formatter today. But the first message is
>>> still handled by the default formatter. I think it is because the setup
>>> of the formatter is done in the postConstruct() method of the
>>> GFFileHandler.
>>> Did you replace the default GFFileHandler or added additional handlers?
>>> Bye,
>>> Oliver
>>> Am 06.11.13 20:40, schrieb Alexander Schell:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I did so, but unfortunately I do not own the code. And an MQ-Appender
>>>> also, so you can send your log entries to an application server to
>>>> store
>>>> them in a database...
>>>> It's not this difficult, really.
>>>> Maybe I have a solution for you in a couple of days. I was thinking
>>>> about re-implementing this stuff... :)
>>>> Have a nice evening
>>>> Alex
>>>> Am 06.11.2013 12:26, schrieb Oliver B. Fischer:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> has anyone of you written a log formatter for JSON? I would like to
>>>>> write the log records as JSON document.
>>>>> It would be nice not to do the same work twice ;-)
>>>>> Bye,
>>>>> Oliver