RE: multiple GF instances

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 10:33:58 -0500

Hi Glenn


I saw that too

Having developed first with Jdeveloper then Netbeans then Eclipse i didnt want to steer you in Eclipse IDE only solution
Having written Eclipse1 plugin...moving to Eclipse2 or P2 for plugins can be a bit of a *challenge*


Glad to hear you have a solution!
Martin Gainty
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> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:15:11 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: multiple GF instances
> On 11/13/2013 08:41 AM, Martin Gainty wrote:
> > > If we wanted to do load balancing without using clustering, but just
> > > with two complete instances of GlassFish, what would be the implication
> > > of both instances using the same database? Wouldn't you run into
> > > problems because of each EJB container caching the entity classes?
> > MG>Ehcache will cache your DB calls for each configured instance
> > MG>The newest EhCache has listeners that multicast Update events so
> > Other Ehcache nodes can pick up the updates
> > MG>you'll want to coordinate with net-admin to open up the hosts and RMI
> > ports EhCache implements
> > MG>
> Looks like EclipseLink provides something like that out-of-box:
> --
> Glenn Holmer
> Weyco Group, Inc.
> phone: 414-908-1809
> fax: 414-908-1601