RE: Is it possible to bind a web-app inside an EAR to a specific http port or virtualserver?

From: Dunstan, Tom (EPA) <"Dunstan,>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:27:49 +1030

From: Martin Gainty []
Sent: Wednesday, 16 October, 2013 11:55 AM

> I would need to ask why
> ejbs support business entities requested by UI
> where UI and backend is generally JSP,Servlet wrapped in war

The reason why is that we have an application which has historically had a business layer packaged as an EJB jar and a web UI layer packaged as a WAR, but we have now added an extra WAR which exposes some SOAP-based web services to clients. Due to some security policies which are out of our control (but which are quite sensible anyway), we are required to expose the web services on their own port, as the callers of those services are coming from a DMZ and we do not wish to give a potentially compromised machine in the DMZ access to our main UI. There are a number of reasons why we would prefer to keep the web services webapp inside the main EAR if at all possible, so that is why I asked the question of whether it is possible to bind the embedded web-app to a particular port or virtual server.

If anyone with knowledge of glassfish's virtualserver etc config could tell me if this is possible, it would be much appreciated.

