RE: Is it possible to bind a web-app inside an EAR to a specific http port or virtualserver?

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:25:12 -0400

 I would need to ask why
ejbs support business entities requested by UI
where UI and backend is generally JSP,Servlet wrapped in war

I would take a gander at maven-ear-plugin packagingIncludes

you perhaps may be thinking of multi-instance deploy


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Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:19:22 +1030
Subject: Is it possible to bind a web-app inside an EAR to a specific http port or virtualserver?

Hi all
We have an application with two web apps which gets packaged up as a single EAR file. We would like one of the webapps to be accessible on one port, and the other to be accessible on a different port. Having both accessible on the same port is not acceptable.
It is not clear how to do this in Glassfish. I can see that when deploying a WAR file that it seems possible to specify a virtual server to bind it to, but I can't see how I would accomplish this for different WARs inside an EAR.
Is what we want to do possible?
Any help appreciated