Arquillian Glassfish Embedded Servlet Authtentication Test

From: Luciano Borges <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:24:39 -0300

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a servlet to test Basic Authentication. I'm using
Arquillian with Glassfish Embedded.

I have some questions:

1. I created a user in a separate Glassfish, I saw that it put my user in a
file named *keyfile*. Where should I put this file in my project?

2. I put this in my *web.xml* (the file is in* src/test/resources/security*),
is it correct?

   1. <security-constraint>
   2. <web-resource-collection>
   3. <web-resource-name>Exemplo</web-resource-name>
   4. <url-pattern>/AuthenticationServlet</url-pattern>
   5. </web-resource-collection>
   6. <auth-constraint>
   7. <role-name>user</role-name>
   8. </auth-constraint>
   9. </security-constraint>
   10. <login-config>
   11. <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
   12. <realm-name>file</realm-name>
   13. </login-config>

3. I create a file name *sun-web.xml* (the file is in*
 src/test/resources/security*) with the code below, is it correct?

   1. <sun-web-app error-url="">
   2. <security-role-mapping>
   3. <role-name>user</role-name>
   4. <group-name>users</group-name>
   5. </security-role-mapping>
   6. </sun-web-app>

4. I copy the file *domain.xml* from the separeted Glassfish and put it in
the directory *src/test/resources/security*, is it correct?

Below, the code from my *AuthenticationServlet*.

   1. public class AuthenticationServlet extends HttpServlet {
   3. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
   5. @Inject
   6. private SecurityContext securityContext;
   8. @Inject
   9. private Credentials credentials;
   11. protected void
    doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
    ServletException, IOException {
   12. credentials.setUsername("asdrubal");
   13. credentials.setPassword("asdrubal");
   14. securityContext.login();
   15. response.setStatus(HttpStatus.SC_OK);
   16. }
   17. }

Below, my keyfile content.


Below, my test class:

   1. @RunWith(Arquillian.class)
   2. public class SecurityTest {
   5. private static final String PATH = "src/test/resources/security";
   8. @ArquillianResource
   9. private URL deploymentUrl;
   12. @Deployment(testable = false)
   13. public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
   14. return Tests.createDeployment().addClass(AuthenticationServlet.
   15. .add(Tests.createFileAsset(PATH + "/keyfile"), "keyfile")
   16. .addAsWebInfResource(Tests.createFileAsset(PATH + "/domain.xml"),
   17. .addAsWebInfResource(Tests.createFileAsset(PATH + "/sun-web.xml"),
   18. .addAsWebInfResource(Tests.createFileAsset(PATH + "/web.xml"),
   19. }
   22. @Test
   23. public void authentication() throws Exception {
   24. HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
   25. GetMethod method = new GetMethod(deploymentUrl +
   26. try {
   27. int status = client.executeMethod(method);
   28. assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, status);
   29. } catch (Exception e) {
   30. fail();
   31. }
   32. }
   33. }

Where I'm going wrong?