Why Join the JavaOne GlassFish Community Event?

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 15:50:33 -0400


If you are active in the GlassFish community, you probably already know
about the GlassFish Community Event that takes place on the Sunday that
kicks off JavaOne San Francisco. The event has long been the rallying
point for the GlassFish community at JavaOne.

This year, the event is taking place from 9:15 AM to 11:15 AM. The title
of the event is "GlassFish Community: The Foundation for Opportunity"
and the event ID is UGF9871. To add to this session to your schedule
now, follow this session details link
to the JavaOne Content Catalog and use the Schedule Builder widget on
the top right hand side.

If you are a GlassFish user or even just a friend, this is the most
important JavaOne event that you really should not miss, and for good

* Learn the insider's view of the Java EE 7/GlassFish 4 release,
community, success, metrics and road map for the future from non other
than GlassFish product manager John Clingan himself. Stay tuned for more
details on the road map - in case you cannot make it to the session, we
will update the GlassFish road map page
( after the event.
* Get a unique opportunity to listen to and openly interact directly
with the Oracle Executives responsible for Java EE and GlassFish during
the GlassFish Executive Panel. This year, our panelists include the
likes of Mike Lehmann (VP Product Management), Anil Gaur (VP, Software
Development) and Cameron Purdy (VP Development). Besides open Q & A, the
panel will field a representative set of questions submitted by the
community. To submit your questions, email them to me
( as soon as possible. We will post a video of
the panel on The Aquarium ( after
the event.
* Hear success stories from real world Java EE/GlassFish users and get
to ask them your questions. This year Makito Hashiyama (Rakuten), David
Heffelfinger (Ensode), Jaromir Hamala (C2B2) and Kerry Wilson
(Vanderbilt University Medical Center) will be sharing their stories. As
always, we will video record and post the stories on the GlassFish
Stories blog ( and feature them on The
Aquarium after the event.
* Meet key members of the Oracle GlassFish team and community including
Advocates, Architects, Java EE spec leads, and Product Managers.
* Grab some free GlassFish swag like a GlassFish t-shirt or cool laptop
* Attending the event is one of the strongest ways you can show your
support for GlassFish and Java EE under Oracle, get your voice heard and
help shape the future.

Note that this is a JavaOne Sunday User Group session, so you will need
a JavaOne pass to get in. Like all JavaOne events, there is a limited
amount of registrants allowed for the session, so if you think this is
something that is worth your while, you would be wise to pre-register
via the JavaOne Schedule Builder as soon as possible.

Do check out the details for the event on the JavaOne
Community Event Page
(, including the
agenda, timings, panel question ideas, participant bios and story outlines.

Reza Rahman | Java EE/GlassFish Evangelist
All views voiced are my own, not necessarily Oracle's.