Re: _at_EJB and the name() attribute

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 21:04:17 -0700

Hi Laird,

EJB 3.2 section "Injection of EJB References" has been fixed and now
describes @EJB annotation elements in more details. In particular it says

"The name element refers to the name by which the resource is to be
looked up in the environment."

Which matches the FAQ entry that you refer to.


On 8/1/13 1:21 PM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> This link
> (
> says that the name() attribute is relative to "java:comp/env/".
> This link
> (
> says that you can "absolutize" the name() attribute, i.e. that the
> value of the name() attribute is relative to "java:comp/env/" only
> when it does not start with "java:comp/", "java:module/", "java:app/"
> or "java:global/".
> The EJB 3.1 specification is silent on the matter. So is the Java EE
> 6 specification. Both hint at the idea that the name() attribute
> might not *have* to be relative to java:comp/env/ if it is
> appropriately constructed, but neither says so outright.
> The Javadoc for the @EJB element says "The logical name of the ejb
> reference within the declaring component's (e.g., java:comp/env)
> environment." "E.g." means "for example" so I don't know whether this
> is prescriptive or not.
> Is this link
> (
> really correct? Can I do this, for example:
> @EJB(name = "java:app/ejb/Foobar")
> private Foobar foobar;
> ...and have it automatically injected provided there is only one
> implementation of Foobar? Please tell me this does not define a name
> of java:comp/env/java:app/ejb/Foobar. That would make me weep.
> I know that I can do this:
> @EJB(lookup = "java:app/ejb/Foobar")
> private Foobar foobar;
> ...which is really equivalent to this:
> @EJB(lookup = "java:app/ejb/Foobar", name =
> "")
> private Foobar foobar;
> ...but that requires the assembler to explicitly put a bean in that
> slot. I don't want to use mappedName(), beanName() or lookup() for
> this reason (if there's only one EJB that could "fit" in this slot, I
> don't want anyone to have to configure anything).
> I *do* want to use name(), so that the assembler can easily change the
> linkage of several @EJB references all at once. If I have 30
> instances of @EJB(name = "foo/bar"), then a single
> <ejb-local-ref><ejb-ref-name>foo/bar</ejb-ref-name>...</ejb-local-ref>
> at the root of an application that has several candidates for
> injection into that slot will suffice.
> I need to be able to count on the fact that name() can behave like
> says it should, because when injecting @EJBs into JAX-RS resource
> classes, those resource classes are required to be @ManagedBeans, and
> @ManagedBeans have no component environment, so a simple "foo/bar"
> name won't cut it.
> Thanks for any and all clarification in this area.
> Best,
> Laird
> --