Re: Programmatic login without password

From: Samba SIDIBE <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 12:17:54 +0000

1) What is the simplest way to do programmatic login without a password?
in server side
   - create your own realm and your own LoginModule
   - in the authenticateUser methode get the username and process
authentication mecanism
in your app
   -authenticate user by using the HttpServletRequest methode

2013/7/4 Richard Kolb <>

> Hi Witold
> > 1) What is the simplest way to do programmatic login without a password?
> I would not do it that way, I think the below will help you.
> >2) Is there any chance to make it application-server independent, I mean
> to use only Java/JavaEE API, not Glassfish API?
> There is an option to write your own realm and user this :
> You will then have the power to do as you wish.
> regards
> Richard.
> On 4 July 2013 12:51, Witold Szczerba <> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> can you tell me what are the options if I want to do a programmatic
>> login without a password?
>> In my application, users are stored in LDAP with passwords. But they
>> can also choose to sign-in through OpenID - in that case we do import
>> them into our LDAP without passwords.
>> I was thinking I can check the user myself and then I would like to
>> "tell" the application server that the user is OK (or not).
>> I have found a post on this mailing group with similar question, the
>> answer was to write custom realm. The hint was to re-use as much as
>> possible from existing code.
>> I have found sources of LDAPRealm - it is not extendible, all the
>> crucial parts are private. Also, the AppservRealm which seems to be a
>> base class is such a huge amount of code...
>> The questions are:
>> 1) What is the simplest way to do programmatic login without a password?
>> 2) Is there any chance to make it application-server independent, I
>> mean to use only Java/JavaEE API, not Glassfish API?
>> Thanks,
>> Witold Szczerba