Re: GFv4, WebSockets sample app

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 12:42:18 +0200

Hi Kristian,

this blog post uses deprecated API, so it just cannot work.

please see for more details (there is up-to-date
user guide) and/or check our samples bundle [1].

As Ryan already wrote, you will get faster responses if you'll use



On 6/17/13 11:08 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> not sure whether it's Glassfish or just me: Downloaded the
> NetBeans+GFv4 bundle. Followed Aruns pretty good write-up / chat
> tutorial [1]. Built. Deployed. Outcome: It's "not working". Not much
> more. App deploys, but I neither see any evidence that WebSocket
> support is there, nor does the chat application work. It mainly ends up
> with a "can't connect to ws://localhost:8080/...".
> Found this command...
> [...]
> asadmin set
> Command set executed successfully
> [...]
> ... somewhere on the 'net, which seems to successfully do "something"
> yet it doesn't change much about the result.
> Is there anything I should know about that? Anything I can do to at
> least track down what's happening here?
> TIA and all the best,
> Kristian
> [1]