Re: JDBCRealm package changed

From: Hildeberto Mendonça <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 17:42:09 +0200

Thanks for the feedback Tom! If I understood well, LDAPRealm,
CertificateRealm, FileRealm and SolarisRealm are in the nucleus part
because they are considered as non-JavaEE and PamRealm and JDBCRealm are in
the app server part , right?

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Tom Mueller <> wrote:

> On 5/20/13 10:16 AM, Hildeberto Mendonça wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to deploy a JavaEE 6 app ( on
> Glassfish 4 and I noticed that the package of the JDBCRealm has changed
> from
> to If you don't
> look at it carefully you won't notice the difference, but there is an
> additional "ee" there. I got a "ClassNotFouldException" during the
> deployment because of that.
> Considering that "ee" means "Enterprise Edition", then I see an
> ambiguity there because there is already a "enterprise" there. Do we really
> need this "ee"?
> I noticed that only PamRealm and JDBCRealm are in this new package.
> Others like LDAPRealm, CertificateRealm, FileRealm and SolarisRealm didn't
> change. Why?
> GlassFish 4 includes changes to provide better modularization between the
> non-Java EE parts of the server (now identified as "nucleus") and the
> appserver parts. There use to be a single "security" module which has now
> been divided into the nucleus part (nucleus/security/core) and the app
> server part (appserver/security/core-ee). The JDBCRealm class is now in
> the latter module, which is why the extra "ee" was added to the Java
> package name.
> Tom
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Hildeberto Mendonça, Ph.D
> Blog:
> Twitter:

Hildeberto Mendonça, Ph.D
Twitter: <>