Maven coordinates for EJB stand-alone client?

From: Philippe Marschall <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:41:39 +0200


I'm looking for the Maven coordinates of the EJB stand-alone client. I
followed the EJB FAQ and started looking for gf-client. In Maven central
I found three group ids providing such an artifact.


org.glassfish.main.appclient seems to be GF4 only so I ignored this and
tried org.glassfish.main.appclient.client:gf-client and
org.glassfish.appclient:gf-client. But they don't seem to be what I'm
looking for since they contain about 60 MB or more of dependencies
including stuff that's clearly wrong (grizzly-http, jsp, hk2, jpa,
webservices, …).
