Re: Eclipse support for GlassFish 4?

From: Harald Wellmann <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 20:49:29 +0200

Thanks, Shreedar, I'm now using the GlassFish plugins for Juno with
GlassFish 4.0-b82. I've launched a couple of web apps that used to work
on GlassFish, and I haven't found any problems so far.

Best regards,

Am 08.04.2013 17:37, schrieb Shreedhar Ganapathy:
> Hi Harald
> Peter published a blog on March 20th on the GlassFish plugin for Juno.
> Let us know if you have any feedback. We will continue with refining the
> plugin so feedback is most welcome.
> Shreedhar
> On 4/6/13 7:29 AM, Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>> Hi Harald
>> For most part it should work but let us know if you see issues.
>> We are getting close to putting out preview builds of Eclipse Plugin
>> of GlassFish 4.
>> Will keep the list posted in a week or two.
>> Shreedhar
>> On 4/5/13 10:07 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
>>> Is it possible to use the Eclipse Juno plugin for GlassFish 3.x with
>>> GlassFish 4?
>>> Alternatively, are there any preview builds of Eclipse plugins for
>>> GlassFish 4?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Harald