Re: Error when starting a remote instance. CLI802 Synchronization failed for directory config, caused by: Authentication failed..

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 17:01:26 -0500

Hi Dave,
What version of GlassFish are you using?

After running "create-instance" to create the remote instance, there
should be a minimal directory structure created for that instance on the
remote node containing just a "config" directory and three files:
cacerts.jks, domain.xml, and keystore.jks. Can you confirm that this is
happening? This is before any attempt to start the instance.

The first attempt to start the instance uses a client certificate in the
keystore.jks file to connect back to the DAS. I suspect that this is
what is leading to the first failure message (the one in the title).

After this failure, when you tried to start the instance by running
start-local-instance after logging in to the node, the synchronization
failure caused those files that should have been there to be deleted, so
this is why you are seeing an empty directory. Do you have an admin
password setup for your system?

I'm also wondering if there was a typo in that second command. I see "
|liferayNode3-instance1"| in the error message|(rather than

