Re: cleanup glassfish v3 installation?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:15:44 +0100

Hi Snjezana;

and first off, thanks a bunch for your response, greatly appreciated. :)

Am 14.03.2013 21:11, schrieb Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic:
> You should be able to clean up everything under
> glassfishv3/.org.opensolaris,pkg/pkg/download directory which is
> probably the greatest culprit. This contains cached package content
> used during update installations and it is not required for
> day-to-day functioning or future updates.

Yes, this indeed slimmed down things a bit. So overally, guess I gotta
do sort of an automated script to clean things up before moving these
things around.

(Just out of curiosity and slightly unrelated: In a network containing
different hosts - development, testing/staging, production servers - how
do you keep track of managing Glassfish and JDK updates throughout these
structures, everyone?)

Thanks again and all the best,