Re: problems with jsf 2.1

From: Alexander Schell <>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 09:35:44 +0100

Hallo Martin

Thanks for your answer. I'll stick to english; it could be that somebody
else might find this useful who is not able to read german... :)

Well it seems that I didn't make my problem exactly clear. Sorry for this.

What I wanted to say was that the annotation is ignored at all. It not
even causes an error. I still have to provide the
managed-bean-informatiojn in the faces-config.xml-file. Doing this
everything works as expected; the bean getter-methods are called.

I had the dependency you mentiond already added to my pom but with
slightly different version - 2.1 - and not as 'provided'. I changed the
scope to 'provided' but to no avail.

I have to confess that I'm completely stuck... =(

Best regards


Am 16.02.2013 00:06, schrieb Martin Gainty:
> |Alex
> Diese Abhängigkeit zu pom.xml hinzufügen
> <||dependency||> |
> | ||<||groupId||>javax.faces</||groupId||> |
> | ||<||artifactId||>jsf-api</||artifactId||> |
> | ||<||version||>2.0</||version||> |
> | ||<||scope||>provided</||scope||> |
> |</||dependency||>|
> Viel Gluck,
> Martin
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>> Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 23:24:00 +0100
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: problems with jsf 2.1
>> hello
>> i unfortuantely have some difficulties to get a jsf-2.1-applicaiton
>> running...
>> it seems that the @managedbean-annotation is simply not recognized by
>> the implementation used by glassfish...
>> header of my web.xml-file:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <web-app xmlns=""
>> xmlns:xsi=""
>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>> version="3.0">
>> is there something i can do to solve this problems?
>> with best regards
>> alex