OSE 3.1.1 handling of non-portable JNDI names

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 12:40:16 +0100

Hi experts, I do have a legacy WebApp which has been running fine on GF
2.x. I tries to get a connection from a database resource pool.

Unfortunately it does not use portable JNDI names yet. I wonder if I can
tweak GF or deployment descriptors to make it work without code changes.

I wrote a little LookupTest Servlet ...

web.xml includes


Following lookups are successful


However the lookup



I've read a lot of docs, but unfortunately I have not really understood
why it fails.

Thanks for shedding some light ...


Painstaking Minds
IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
Herxheimer Str. 5, 83620 Vagen (Munich area), Germany
Tel: +49 (0)8062 7769174
Mobile: +49 (0)176 55060699 - Solution Architect
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