RE: Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server 2.1.1 - can not start ...

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 18:30:55 -0500

determine username that is used to start server

login with that username

cd NodeFilesInitialisationFolder
sudo chown ServerOperatorName NodeFilesInitialisationFolder
sudo chmod 777 NodeFilesInitialiasationFolder

Martin Gainty
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> To:
> Subject: Re: Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server 2.1.1 - can not start ...
> From:
> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 03:34:22 -0600
> New findings. Starting node agent is not the primary problem. Starting is
> failing due to inability to made initial synchronization of nodeagent (NA)
> from domain administration server (DAS). I copied some files missed in
> /config from /config, namely: domain.xml, admin-keyfile, cert8.db, key3.db,
> secmode.db, login.conf. Then start-node-agent and voila! NA started. But,...
> 'access denied' error in NA's server.log is still there (with same error
> trace):
> [#|2013-02-22T14:12:34.646+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1.1||_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|NAGT0030:There
> was an unknown error while communi cating with Domain Administration Server
> (DAS). The actual exception stack trace follows ...
> access denied
> (
> ype=synchronization] registerMBean) at
> at
> : I made some changes in DAS configuration. DAS's domain.xml was updated to
> follow the changes. NA was restarted with '--syncinstances=true', but no
> changes was made in NA's domain.xml. This lead me to conclusion -
> synchronization is corrupted. I found excellent article about DAS, NA and SI
> communication -
> .
> It contains explanation for DAS's communication. According to the article
> mentioned above, master password is kind of very important in initial
> start-agent-node sequence, when synchronization with DAS should happened. In
> my configuration, no matter, if I started NA with --savemasterpassword or
> wich master password specified during execution, the result is same "access
> denied". Did I search on wrong place? Am I debugging wrong Glassfish v2
> component? Any ideas are welcome.
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'milos1av']
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