Development Guidelines

From: <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 13:57:55 -0600 (CST)

Hi folks. Happy new year! After lots of research, I'm stuck so I came here
for asking some development guidelines so I can learn it myself and maybe go
forward in my ideas :-) I want to develop a Java RESTFul WebService to be
consumed by an iOS/Android app, after input a username, password and captcha
code. The idea is build an API so other apps/websites can consume my Java
RESTFul WebService. Since I rather use official development tools, I'm using
Netbeans IDE and Glassfish Web Container. So witch authorization system do I
use, OAuth, OAuth2, SAML or another one? Witch one can be consumed by both
iOS/Android apps and websites? How so? Where can I find some code examples?
Is it possible to generate a captcha code and use it as a RESTFul WebService
authentication parameter? How so? Where can I find some code examples? For
now I guess this is it. Thanks in advance.

[Message sent by forum member 'robsonselzelin']
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