I'm working with glassfish v3 web profile and i installed update tool to add
some new features , exactly "glassfish commons full profile" , to have access
to javaMail option . i stopped all domains , i installed this module from
update tool , then i started the domain. but , it's taking a long time to
start , four hours so far , with the same contents Consola de administración
de GlassFish " Consola de administración de GlassFish - *Instalación en
progreso...* Si el navegador no se actualiza automáticamente, pulse recargar
en su navegador. *La consola de administración de GlassFish se está
cargando...* Imagen del indicador de estado. Estado actual: Aún no se ha
instalado la aplicación de la consola de administración. " Installation in
progress , and the console is still loading . Please , could you tell if it's
normally take all this time , or maybe there is some problem. it's really
urgent !! thanks in advance
[Message sent by forum member 'noura']
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