Installer Insane?

From: Eric Kolotyluk <>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2012 22:52:23 -0800

OK, I just downloaded the latest version of
for Windows x64 and ran the installer.

Everything chugs along great until

Starting domain
Executing command :C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain

C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain glassfish
There is a process already using the admin port 4848 -- it probably is
another instance of a GlassFish server.
Command start-domain failed.

I tried again with 4849, but got the same results. I have checked with
netstat and there is nothing listening on 4848 or 4849. Of course
nothing works, the Windows service will not start.

It's been a while since I tried installing and running Glassfish, and I
don't remember it being this insane before.

Before anyone asks if I looked in the logs, I did, and my eyes lost
focus and my brain went numb. This is a user experience issue where I
think installing and starting glassfish should not be this fragile, give
up so easily on doing the right thing, or making it so hard to figure
out what when wrong.

Can anyone think of any simple things that typically go wrong this way
when starting Glassfish?

Cheers, Eric