Adopt-a-JSR Glassfish 4 b68 interface and installation problem

From: Mohamed Taman <>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 15:05:20 +0200

Dear Glassfish team,

I have downloaded and run Glassfish v4_b68 nightly build for testing JAX-RS
339 as I am working on it (JCP member), and when I entered the admin screen
and click any link, the server popup me with message *JSF2+Ajax missing!*.

Also the windows version stuck on 41% and not proceed anymore.

finally all the installation stages wizard give wrong information about the
version. It is not version 4 it give everything is version 3, even it says
it supports Java EE6 not EE7, and it works on JDK 6 not 7 as I understand.
But when the admin module first deployed it shows that it is version 4.

 Please find attached screen shoot of the error for more clarity.

 Download link:

Thanks & Best Regards

 “*I**mprove your **Life** through Science and **Art**…”*

Mohamed Mahmoud Taman

*Business **Solutions,*

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(image/png attachment: GF4Error.png)

(image/png attachment: Glassfish_instllation_stuck.png)