Glassfish3.1 installation problem

From: Anindita Roy <>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 23:23:36 +0100

1. I have copied glassfish3.1 folder.
2. Configured that from eclipse.
3. open the admin console from eclipse and deployed my application .ear
file. and did database connectivity.
4. And when I opened my application in the browser, its absolutely working
5. But, if I start server from command prompt, and try to open admin
console, it ask me to put username and password. And when I have entered
username =*admin*
and no password. It shows me authentication has failed. But I could open
admin console from eclipse and I have also cross checked that usernamr is "*
admin*" and no password.

6. I have to open to start server from command prompt and have to deploy
ear afterwards.

Could you please help me, its so urgent....
Thanks in advance.
