Hello guys! I am having trouble trying to create a Glassfish cluster using an
Enhanced JMS Cluster with Microsoft SQL Server. I am trying to create the
cluster via web interface, without success. When I try to put these
information in the forms: Cluster Name: cluster1 Configuration:
default-config (x) Make a Copy of the Selected Configuration Message Queue
Cluster Config Type: Custom JMS Service Type: (x) Custom JMS Service Type:
Enhanced (HA) Database Vendor: mssql Database URL:
jdbc:sqlserver:///:;databaseName= Database User: Database Password: I get the
following error: """ The server cluster has NOT been created. An error
occurred while configuring the JMS cluster: Invalid DB Vednor specified """
How can I create an Enhanced cluster using an Microsoft SQL Server for the HA
(brokers)? Addicional Info: Nodes: 2x VMs with the following softwares and
versions: Glassfish: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition (build 5)
SO: Ubuntu 12.04.1 64 bits
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