Re: EJB remote deployed on GF 3.1 behind a NAT unaccessible

From: <>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 03:59:03 -0500 (CDT)

Hi Mauro, sorry, but I will stop looking into this now: The root error cause
of your stacktrace is completely different from what you stated before to be
your issue!!! From your stacktrace, *you seem to have more than one version
of class org.apache.jasper.runtime.TldScanner in your classpath* (most
probably one as included with Tomcat, and another one from just blindly
copying all Glassfish libraries into your webapp WEB-INF/lib), which is
*completely unrelated to trying to access an EJB deployed into Glassfish
through a NAT device*. My ony final recommendation is to try your client
first from a standalone pure-Java application outside of Tomcat, and only
after you got that to work fine, move forward to address the issues that are
caused by Tomcat and Glassfish client libraries coming with a common set of
classes like the TldScanner (which must be visible only from one classloader
to get rid of the NoClassDefFoundException). Sorry, but *I'm not going to
waste any more time with this: I am not going to teach you the basics of Java
EE programming and classloader delegation*... BR, Andreas

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