Re: Jersey, can't set custom status message

From: Andreas Junius <>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 08:27:14 +1030


I'm using GlassFish Server Open Source Edition (build 5) and
the jersey core jar says it's version 1.11.1


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Marek Potociar
<> wrote:
> What version of GlassFish/Jersey are we talking about?
> In general, I'm vaguely aware of a related Jersey bug that we solved several months back, but cannot recall the details anymore. Also, sometimes the I/O container under Jersey or the client connector do not respect the custom HTTP phrase, so it's essential to know your full configuration to be able to resolve the issue.
> Marek
> P.S. Jersey specific questions are more suitable for Jersey user forum - ;)
> On Oct 24, 2012, at 7:05 AM, Andreas Junius <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I try to set a custom reason phrase (a status message) using REST Jersey. The following code should do:
>> ...
>> Response.StatusType status = new Response.StatusType () {
>> private int code = 412;
>> private String msg = "a custom message";
>> public Family getFamily () {
>> return Response.Status.Family.INFORMATIONAL;
>> }
>> public String getReasonPhrase () {
>> return msg;
>> }
>> public int getStatusCode () {
>> return code;
>> }
>> };
>> System.out.println("prepare response " + status + " class " + status.getClass());
>> return Response.status(status).entity("something went wrong").build();
>> Unfortunately this does not work at all. It sets the code but not the message. I've had a look at the code for the class:
>> ...
>> /**
>> * Set the status on the ResponseBuilder.
>> *
>> * @param status the response status
>> * @return the updated ResponseBuilder
>> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if status is less than 100 or greater
>> * than 599.
>> */
>> public abstract ResponseBuilder status(int status);
>> /**
>> * Set the status on the ResponseBuilder.
>> *
>> * @param status the response status
>> * @return the updated ResponseBuilder
>> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if status is null
>> */
>> public ResponseBuilder status(StatusType status) {
>> if (status == null)
>> throw new IllegalArgumentException();
>> return status(status.getStatusCode());
>> };
>> /**
>> * Set the status on the ResponseBuilder.
>> *
>> * @param status the response status
>> * @return the updated ResponseBuilder
>> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if status is null
>> */
>> public ResponseBuilder status(Status status) {
>> return status((StatusType)status);
>> };
>> ...
>> As one can see, the status instance given as an argument will never make it into the response object. The class is always using the internal Status enum type.
>> So, my question is: did anyone find a workaround for the given problem?
>> Cheers,
>> Andy