Loopback IP address is not allowed in broker address

From: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 07:42:55 -0500 (CDT)

Hi, Will try giving as much detail as possible and hope to get some feedback
as completely stuck on this. I have been trying to set up Glassfish3.1 to run
an Application in a cluster. I have added the IP Addresses and host names to
/etc/hosts on the hosts being used.
*glassfish_at_DAS:~/glassfish3/glassfish/bin$ cat /etc/hosts* *
localhost* * DAS* * DAS* * NODE1*
* NODE2* * DAS* ** Example of the DAS hosts file,
each one differs slightly due to IP differences To instal the DAS, just
unzipped glassfish 3.1 to the home directory. set up ssh access as follows:
./asadmin setup-ssh NODE1 NODE2 installed nodes as follows: ./asadmin
install-node NODE1 NODE2 Then added the nodes and instances via the GUI and
configured the queues for JMS etc etc Up until here all is fine...until i try
to start the cluster /instances and the following shows in the mq log:
[24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] Arguments: -port 27677 -name VidispineINSTANCE1
-nobind -imqhome /home/glassfish/glassfish3/mq -varhome
/home/glassfish/glassfish3/glassfish/nodes/NODE1/INSTANCE1/imq -libhome
/home/glassfish/glassfish3/mq/lib -useRmiRegistry -rmiRegistryPort 28687
-save -silent [24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] JMSRA BrokerProps:
imq.service.activate=jmsdirect, imq.imqcmd.password=*****,
imq.jmsra.managed=true, imq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true
[24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] Broker Properties: imq.service.activate=jmsdirect,
imq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use=true,
imq.cluster.masterbroker=mq://NODE2:27676/, imq.portmapper.port=27677,
imq.jmsra.managed=true, imq.instancename=VidispineINSTANCE1,
imq.log.console.output=NONE, imq.imqcmd.password=*****,
imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port=28687, imq.service.runtimeAdd=mqdirect2,
imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled=true, imq.portmapper.bind=false
[24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] Embedded Broker [24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST]
[B1060]: Loading persistent data... [24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] Using built-in
file-based persistent store:
[24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] ERROR [B3168]: Invalid broker address for this
broker to run in cluster: Loopback IP address is not allowed in broker
for cluster [24/Oct/2012:13:31:59 BST] WARNING [B1137]: Cluster
initialization failed. Disabling the cluster service. Now I have googled,
yahoo'd, everything really and can not see a complete fix. As far as I am
aware, it it grabbing the "localhost" from the Das instead of handing out an
IP or host name. The JIRA i found said that all that needed to be done was to
change anything in domain.xml from localhost to the das host name. This does
not seem to work. Does any one have any concrete answers or instructions on
how to correct this. If you need any more info please let me know.

[Message sent by forum member 'SiM22']
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