error while trying to upgrade Glassfish 2.1 to 2.1.1

From: <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 06:39:51 -0500 (CDT)

Hi, I am trying to upgrade GlassFish 2.1 to 2.1.1. The way I am trying to do
it is with the "in place" mode described on Oracle's website. Here is what i
do : I close the process, then install
Glassfish-installer-v2.1.1-b31g-windows in the same folder of my existing
GlassFish.then I start asupgrade using CMD prompt. After filling the details,
the upgrade start but fail right in the middleof the process. I must admit, I
dont have enough knowledge to fully understand these logs and fix it. any
help is appreciate, thanks ! upgrade log :
Upgrade Tool Main|#]
redirected to C:\Expert\MGDS\GlassFish\domains\upgrade.log|#]
Upgrade Tool GUI|#]
Upgrade Harness|#]
command: create-domain --profile "developer" --domaindir
"C:\Expert\MGDS\GlassFish\domains" --adminport 4848 --user admin
--savemasterpassword=true --instanceport 8080 --domainproperties
domain1 |#]
port 4848 for Admin.|#]
port 8080 for HTTP Instance.|#]
port 7676 for JMS.|#]
port 3700 for IIOP.|#]
port 8081 for HTTP_SSL.|#]
port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.|#]
port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.|#]
port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.|#]
being created with profile:developer, as specified on command line or
domain1 created.|#]
Domain...: domain1|#]
appserver cofiguration transformation|#]
: -Xmx512m not transferred to the target installation. Please use the
Administration Tool to change these options , in the target server , if you
wish to preserve them.|#]
: not transferred to the target installation. Please
use the Administration Tool to change these options , in the target server ,
if you wish to preserve them.|#]
: not transferred to the target installation.
Please use the Administration Tool to change these options , in the target
server , if you wish to preserve them.|#]
processing module:Transformation|#]
deployed components upgrade.|#]
processing lifecycle module: name = JBIFramework|#]
classpath for the lifecycle module is not accessable
C:ExpertMGDSGlassFish/jbi/lib/jbi_framework.jar JBIFramework |#]
processing lifecycle module: name = WSTCPConnectorLCModule|#]
classpath for the lifecycle module is not accessable
C:ExpertMGDSGlassFish/lib/webservices-rt.jar WSTCPConnectorLCModule |#]
command: start-domain --domaindir "C:\Expert\MGDS\GlassFish\domains" --user
admin --passwordfile
"C:\DOCUME~1\GUILLA~1.CAI\LOCALS~1\Temp\ugpw5352476047592951112.tmp" domain1
Domain domain1, please wait.|#]
Log location is
exception occured: CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.|#]
exception occured: Domain domain1 failed to startup. Please check the server
log for more details.|#]
failed for the module Deployed Applications and Modules upgrade|#]
back all the successful operations for the module Transformation of the
domain domain1|#]
processing module:Deployed Applications and Modules upgrade|#]
ERROR ***** COULD NOT FINISH Upgrade process. For more details, please check
the upgrade.log file in C:\Expert\MGDS\GlassFish\domains|#]
domain1 failed to startup. Please check the server log for more details.|#]
Temporary password files|#]

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