__pm and __nontx suffixes on data sources?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:42:35 -0700

Trying to track down a report from an engineer who attempted to deploy our
application in production.

He reports that when he does so through the web console at a particular
site he sees evidence of two missing resources:

The deployment will fail due to these weird missing resources called
> "jdbc/cx__pm" and "jdbc/cx__nontx".

I have seen this __pm suffix before, but not the __nontx suffix before. In
both cases the engineer didn't type them or create them or anything like
that. (The "jdbc/cx" part is no doubt related somehow to our application;
it may be that we have a persistence.xml somewhere that needs a
jta-data-source of jdbc/cx and perhaps on the target machine one didn't
exist at deployment time due to an oversight. I mention this in case it

He also reports that this only happens through the web console; that
attempting to deploy our application via the command line works fine.

What are the __pm and __nontx suffixes used for? Does GlassFish add them
or generate them or...?

I apologize for the vagueness of this email; I recall seeing something
about this earlier but can't seem to find it via searching.

