Re: Very Odd behavior of LifeRay on Glassfish 3.0.1

From: Roel_D <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 20:30:58 +0200

Are you using apache as a static content server or as proxy server?

Kind regards,

The out-side

Op 28 sep. 2012 om 20:00 heeft Pete Helgren <> het volgende geschreven:

> OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga) x86_64 It has 10GB RAM and two processors. JVM is configured for 4GB. Performance seems OK, no bottlenecks I can see.
> It looks like there is an http-thread-pool that has 1000 threads and a second thread pool thread-pool-1 that has 1000 threads as well. Not sure if there is anything else I need to configure. I am going to check out some performance and configuration best practices for Glassfish as well as Apache.
> Just guessing at the db. I guess Apache could be an issue as well. I am looking at all possible causes at this point.
> Thanks for the info.
> Pete Helgren
> Value Added Software, Inc
> GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java
> On 9/28/2012 11:11 AM, Roel_D wrote:
>> What is your OS?
>> And with 50k visitors, how many glassfish theads do you use?
>> I run some selfwritten portlets that at some point create 500+ simultanious mysql connections but haven't seen your behaivior.
>> If you can test a copy of your webserver then i would suggest to try neoload. They have extremely good software to stresstest your webserver. ( i have once tested it and pretty impressed. I have no connection with them)
>> You can then maybe find the causes without interupting user experience.
>> Kind regards,
>> The out-side