@WebService: Incompatibility between GlassFish and Geronimo

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 05:46:01 -0500 (CDT)

Hello, I am writing some examples and deploying them on different application
servers. The problem is the following. Given; [code] @Stateless
endpointInterface="edu.example.AskQuestionRemote") public class
AskQuestionBean implements AskQuestionLocal, AskQuestionRemote { … }
[/code] The WSDL location on Geronimo is
[b]/AskQuestionService/AskQuestionRemote?WSDL[/b] while on GlassFish the WSDL
location [b]/AskQuestionService/AskQuestionBean?wsdl[/b]. Given that I am
stating the enpoint interface to be [i]AskQuestionRemote[/i]” then
shouldn’t GlassFish work like Geronimo the WSDL location equal to

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