Glassfish and mod_jk - Load Balancing and Session Replication

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 02:42:31 -0500 (CDT)

Hi everyone! I'm configuring an environment using Glassfish and mod_jk to
provide load balancing and session replication. My is as
follow: worker.list=i1,i2,loadbalancer # default properties for workers
worker.template.type=ajp13 worker.template.port=28080
worker.template.lbfactor=1 worker.template.socket_timeout=300 # properties
for node1 worker.i1.reference=worker.template # properties for worker2
worker.i2.reference=worker.template # properties for loadbalancer
worker.loadbalancer.type=lb worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=i1,i2
worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=true The steps I've done are: Created two
nodes, n1 and n2 managed centrally (via SSH) from my server: create-node-ssh
--sshuser ubuntu --sshkeyfile /home/ubuntu/acme-auction.pem --nodehost --installdir /home/ubuntu/glassfish3 n1 create-node-ssh --sshuser
ubuntu --sshkeyfile /home/ubuntu/acme-auction.pem --nodehost
--installdir /home/ubuntu/glassfish3 n2 Created a cluster c1: create-cluster
--properties 'GMS_DISCOVERY_URI_LIST=generate:GMS_LISTENER_PORT=9090' c1
Created two instances: create-instance --cluster c1 --node n1 i1
create-instance --cluster c1 --node n2 i2 start-instance i1 start-instance i2
Created an http-listener and a network-listener create-http-listener
--listenerport 28080 --listeneraddress --defaultvs server
jk-connector create-network-listener --protocol http-listener-1
--listenerport 28080 --jkenabled true --target c1-config jk-connector Then I
created the routes JVM option: create-jvm-options --target c1
"-DjvmRoute=\${AJP_INSTANCE_NAME}" ...and the sysyem properties according to
jvmRoute: create-system-properties --target i1 AJP_INSTANCE_NAME=i1
create-system-properties --target i2 AJP_INSTANCE_NAME=i2 I expected to be
able to use my application visiting server_ip/app_name. If I look at the
cookies I can see:
  * a JSESSIONIDVERSION, format: value:number_of_operation
  * a JSESSIONID, format: value.i1
  * a JREPLICA, format: i2

(or the same with i2 and i1 exchanged). This let me suppose the replication
is set correctly, but when I stop i1, what I obtain is a blank page and no
changes in cookies (I suppose JSESSIONID should change the last part, ".i1"
in ".i2" to make the request be routed to i2, am I wrong?). Thanks, Andrea

[Message sent by forum member 'andreaxi']
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