the c client manipulates resources on the OS (files, sockets whatever resource on OS) directly ..that is why you have direct control..also the reason why its prone to errror
Java Factories will create stub clients to extend abstract classes and implement interfaces based on those same attributes that you use to directly access those OS resources
JNDI is a JDNIname to RealNameResource set of mappings which appservers use to lookup the RealNameResource (based on the JNDIname)
what does the message in the server.log say?
Martin Gainty
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> To:
> Subject: Re: openmq C client to glassfish jms
> From:
> Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 15:33:26 -0500
> So I set a passwd to admin which allows me to view these details. Thanks. Ok,
> I can now see the queue count rise when I use either the C or Java standalone
> client and with MDBs undeployed. The difference is that w/ the Java app, the
> physical destination name of the queue increments the count (even though I
> have the MDB annotation to the JNDI name) whereas with the C client I have to
> use the physical destination. And thats the way I get it to work. I was
> thinking I must have the factories or resources not configured properly? One
> thing I don't understand is that when I add a Destination Resource, it also
> shows up under Connection Factories. However, if I expand Connection
> Factories and click on that same destionation resource, it shows up with a
> message ... An error has occurred. An error occurred while processing the
> request. Please see the server logs for details.
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'rrlangly']
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