Re: using asadmin to stop domain running on a specific port number

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 14:14:45 -0500

What version of GlassFish are you running?

To see what process 20037 is, you can do:

jps -v | grep 20037

This will show must of the Java command line that was used to start the
process. Assuming it is a GlassFish process, you'll see an argument on
that command line that looks like this:
This will show what domain directory the process is running from. If
this is the directory of your GlassFish install, then the list-domains
output is either wrong due to a bug (that's why I asked about the
version) or the process is hung in some way that it is not responding to
the list-domains query for it's status.

If the process is hung, you might want to try a kill -9 to stop it.

The --port option is not needed for the start-domain command. The port
number is only needed by restart-domain to stop the process (it tries a
graceful shutdown by sending it a command to shut down).

WRT your question about the connection between domain1 and port 4850,
the "domain1" argument to start-domain is the directory name within the
domain directory. In that directory, start-domain looks for the
config/domain.xml file, and in that file, it finds the port number
(4850) to use when starting the process.


On 7/3/2012 1:57 PM, wrote:
> (including list)
> Thanks Tom, Here's what I get when I type what you suggested:
> [root_at_host9 ~]# netstat -tulpn | grep 4850
> tcp 0 0 :::4850 :::* LISTEN 20037/java
> Not sure what it means. I know that I setup the GlassFish web
> administrators console to use port 4850 during installation (instead
> of default port 4848). So that should be what is using port 4850.
> I'm confused though. For whatever reason, I've been using the
> following to start/stop/restart domain1 (showing restart for example):
> adasmin> restart-domain --port 4850
> and it has always worked fine. Today when I try it I get:
> asadmin> start-domain --port 4850
> There is a process already using the admin port 4850 -- it probably is
> another instance of a GlassFish server.
> Command start-domain failed.
> asadmin> start-domain domain1 --port 4850
> There is a process already using the admin port 4850 -- it probably is
> another instance of a GlassFish server.
> Command start-domain failed.
> How would I start domain1?
> What's the connection between domain1 and port 4850?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Mueller" <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:44:58 AM
> Subject: Re: using asadmin to stop domain running on a specific port
> number
> The list-domains command will only identify domains in the domain
> directory that it is operating on. By default, this is the
> "glassfish/domains" directory in the install directory for the asadmin
> command. However, there is a --domaindir option for list-domains that
> allows specifying something else.
> The process that you have running on port 4850 could be a GlassFish
> server process from another domain that is in a non-default domains
> directory, or it could be from a domain from another install of
> GlassFish on the same host, or the process could be some completely
> different process that happens to be using port 4850.
> On Linux, you can use "netstat -tulpn" to find out what process is
> listening on a port, i.e.:
> $ netstat -tulpn | grep 4850
> Tom
> On 7/3/2012 1:21 PM, wrote:
> > I am observing the following:
> >
> > asadmin> list-domains
> > domain1 not running
> > Command list-domains executed successfully.
> > asadmin> start-domain domain1 --port 4850
> > There is a process already using the admin port 4850 -- it probably
> is another instance of a GlassFish server.
> > Command start-domain failed.
> >
> > Shouldn't the "list-domains" show running domains on port 4850? Or,
> more importantly, how do I stop whatever is running on port 4850, so I
> can start domain1 on that port?