ejbs could not be lookup after upgrade from glassfish 3.0.1 to glassfish 3.1.2-23

From: Juliet Zheng <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 12:16:26 -0600



I have my osgi bundle installed to <glassfish_folder>/domains/mydomain/autodeploy/bundles,
and the GlassfishPlatform is set to Equinox, which works fine with glassfish
3.0.1, and I could lookup the ejbs in the bundle with syntax ic.lookup(claxx.getName()
+ "#" + claxx.getName()) from client bundle. But with glassfish 3.1.2
full profile, I got lookup failed (Name
not found exception) from client bundle, and initialcontext.list(“”) recursively
or asadmin list-jndi-entries got no name bind related with the ejbs, though I
could see the ejb class was loaded with debug.


Here is the structure my bundle organized, ejbs are packaged
in jar files in WEB-INF/lib/:









The bundle are in active state from osgi console, and no particular
error/info related loading/register ejb in server.log, I could see the bundle
was deployed in server.log with

ServletContext as a service with properties: {,
osgi.web.version=3.3.0.SNAPSHOT, osgi.web.contextpath=/selector} |#]

bundle server_3.3.0.SNAPSHOT [258] at file:/C:/tmp/server/osgiapp5274116203788297859/|#]


I’d like to know what change in glassfish 3.1.2 caused the
problem, and how to fix it. Any help are appreciated.


