Re: Re: Announcing an upcoming GlassFish (micro) release

From: <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 17:35:05 +0000 (GMT)

This time, replying to the list ....

John, as a Product Manager on GlassFish Server since 2007, I don't
recall us releasing module updates on core runtime GlassFish Server
modules. That being said, this is something that we have been
discussing for a while and something that we would generally like to do
as a means of improving the developer experience.

The update center offers the ability to deliver incremental module
updates. The problem is that releasing individual module updates does
not match our long-standing development, sustaining, and QA processes.
For this reason, we are being a bit cautious about how we push out
updates. It is why GlassFish is more the exception than the

Additional feedback is welcome.