User [admin] does not have administration

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:48:38 -0400

I'm receiving the following error in the server.log on an (ancient) build
of Glassfish 3.1.2 (build 12):

User [admin] from host localhost does not have administration access

This is after a deploy command that looks like this:

asadmin --user admin --terse=false --port=4848 deploy --force
Enter admin password for user "admin"> hereismypassword
remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Application name myear is
already in use. Please pick a different name.. Please see server.log for
more details.
Command deploy failed.

(Mind you, asadmin list-applications reports no applications running.)

How do I tell asadmin that indeed the admin user with that password--which
authenticates successfully--has administration rights?

