javax.servlet API version?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 14:04:19 -0400

I'm in the process of upgrading some dependencies.

In the past, I had used org.glassfish:javax.servlet:3.1.1. Now I want to
depend on 3.1.2. This artifact has not been updated.

I dug around in the Glassfish source code to see what the servlet container
itself used. To my surprise I found it uses
org.glassfish:javax.servlet-api:3.0.1 (unless mvn help:effective-pom from
within the web/web-core area is the wrong way to get this definitive

If I wanted to depend on the canonical Servlet API 3.0 .jar file, what are
the appropriate Maven coordinates to use?

