Re: Glassfish speed, does it need APR?

From: Steven Siebert <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 03:49:35 -0500

Since Glassfish uses Grizzly under the covers, you can optimize for
static content by configuring Grizzly. Some options are available
through the GF admin console, and even more can be configured at
startup via your JVM properties.

This is a little dated, but reads pretty well and written by the
creator of Grizzly and an all around GF expert.

Also, don't forget the very good GF docs, specificly the tuning and
performance might be interested in
Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Performance Tuning Guide, Network Listener
Settings, File Cache


On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 12:01 AM, <> wrote:
> Tomcat can run realllly fast when you have the APR apache portable runtime
> installed.
> Glassfish doesn't have the capability to use APR, but does Glassfish
> function
> well as general purpose webserver for serving the static content of your
> webapps?
> --
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