Re: Glassfish, JAX-WS 2.2.x and "empty" headers?

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 22:21:24 +0200

  how does your wsdl look like? Is there anything specific wrt the
headers? Maybe file this as an issue to jaxws with a testcase and we can
have a look at it,

On 3/27/12 4:13 PM, Kristian Rink wrote:
> [crossposting as though this actually should go to the jaxws mailing
> list which seems not to work for me right now - hope that's ok with you]
> Folks;
> I am dealing with a peculiar problem regarding SOAP messages and
> headers: One of the services we're supposed to work with makes use of
> headers for keeping track of users being in a valid session, and this
> header just needs to be around as soon as a user has been logged in,
> i.o.w. there is a "get session id" method which does not expect this
> header to be around. If the header is present yet empty, the server
> will fail with an error message.
> I have tried the same using Apache CXF, including generating stubs
> from the WSDL provided by the service, and it works fine there. Two
> sample messages:
> - This is the "good" message, i.o.w. the one that works, generated
> from stubs using Apache CXF:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
> <soap:Body>
> <getSessionIDParamsIN xmlns="http:/">
> </getSessionIDParamsIN>
> </soap:Body>
> /soap:Envelope>
> - This is the "bad" message that doesn't work, sent using a recent
> Metro implementation (Glassfish v3.1.1):
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
> <S:Header>
> <SessionHeader xmlns="http:/"
> xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
> </S:Header>
> <S:Body>
> <getSessionIDParamsIN xmlns="http:/">
> [...]
> </getSessionIDParamsIN>
> </S:Body>
> </S:Envelope>
> I spent quite some time fiddling with both frameworks, but in the end
> it really comes down to JAX-WS sending the 'nil="true"' session header
> structure which CXF doesn't; if I remove the whole <S:Header> thing
> from the Metro message and send this via SOAPUI, it works, too.
> What makes me wonder is that, in both cases, the WSDL the stubs have
> been generated from is all the same, so I wonder what I can do to make
> Metro behave the same way CXF does, here? Though at the moment I could
> eventually relax as, having it working with CXF, at the very least it
> works, but given it runs in a Glassfish and Metro is already there,
> I'd definitely prefer using the Metro implementation rather than
> having to add yet another dependency.
> Thoughts? Comments? Any input on that greatly appreciated. :)
> TIA,
> Kristian

Martin Grebac, Metro/JAXWS/JAXB RI Lead
Oracle Czech, Prague
ICQ: 93478885