Re: EJBTimer

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 11:01:34 -0700

Did you make any changes while the timer service was working - NPE is
because it became null somehow. wrote:
> I installed GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 (build 23)
> I make a new mysql connection pool that ping correctly
> The __TimerPool jndi point to this connection pool.
> I make the timer_db schema on my dbms (mysql)
> When I deploy ejb-timer-service-app.war
> the table is make correctly, so jndi resource and connection pool
> seems to
> work fine.
> But when I call
> http://my-server/ejb-timer-service-app/timer/TimerWelcomeServlet
> or try to deploy an ejb that inject @Resource TimerService
> I got
> EJB5184:A system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB
> TimerBean,
> method: public java.util.Set
> com.sun.ejb.containers.TimerBean.findActiveTimersOwnedByThisServer()
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> com.sun.ejb.containers.TimerBean.getOwnerIdOfThisServer(
> at
> com.sun.ejb.containers.TimerBean.findActiveTimersOwnedByThisServer(
> What's wrong?! Please help me!
> --
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