Re: virtualization plugin, dependency injection and OSGI

From: Yamini K B <>
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:11:42 +0530

> thank you for reply. I appreciate it a lot. Well I guess the track was
> good,
> but didn't work after all... I mean stacktrace disappeared (so
> dependencies
> must be on their place, nevertheless still bundle isn't
> installed/resolved.
> It's always in a "NEW" state. In manifest I can see imported jims
> packages...
> However I attached jar with manifest, and pom. I don't know what I can
> try
> next... Logs are empty... I tried --verbose option and it didn't
> output any
> useful information. Any ideas what could be wrong??

I tried your jar and am able to reproduce your problem. I still suspect
that its a dependency resolution problem.
For example, when I looked at ClassPath entry in manifest, it doesn't
contain jims-discovery.jar I manually added it and now I see
ClassNotFoundException in server.log

Somehow transitive dependencies are not being setup correctly. I guess
you are not facing issues compiling the jims module, and its a runtime
