Re: Glassfish 3.1, _at_Schedule events are not starting

From: Noah White <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 12:33:32 -0400

We use @Schedule in production on a 3.1.1 instance without problems. Keep in mind if your schedule method or methods it calls throws an uncaught exception more then once during the lifetime of the web app the container will unscheduled it. It will remain unscheduled and thus not fire until your restart GF, simply redeploying the app will not cause it to rescheduled.


On Mar 15, 2012, at 12:13 PM, Glenn Holmer <> wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-03-15 at 10:59 -0500, wrote:
>> I have noticed that suddenly none of our Scheduled jobs are starting up at
>> their specified intervals anymore.
> We faced this same issue a while back. Our solution was to add
> "persistent=false" to all the @Schedule annotations. All you lose is the
> ability for a timer to fire after missing its time while GlassFish or
> the app was down -- but it was those types of firings that were causing
> us problems anyway.
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> Glenn Holmer
> Software Engineer phone: 414-908-1809
> Weyco Group, Inc. fax: 414-908-1601