Re: JDK min and deploy issues

From: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 20:51:58 -0400

I think the JDK requirement for GlassFish 3.* is JDK 1.6, you should try
to upgrade to JDK 1.6 to see if it makes any difference.

On 3/12/2012 3:46 PM, Joseph Swager wrote:
> Hello glassfish users,
> So I'm currently moving my web application away from a jboss 4.2.2. I'm
> moving to glassfish3.1.1. Only I have run into many issues with Jars and the
> likes. I know this has to do a lot with glassfish being a certified
> application container and jboss version I'm running is not. I as wondering
> if most my app is coded to the 15 jdk standard and even some 1.4. Could this
> be my issue since glassfish is jee6? Anyone willing to spend some time with
> me and help me understand my loading issues with my app in glassfish please
> email me.
> Many Thanks,