Re: Standalone EJB 3.1 client

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 15:20:39 -0600

Hi, Sean.

Add gf-client.jar to your classpath. It's in the glassfish3/glassfish/
lib directory.

Note that gf-client.jar mostly just points to other JARs using the
Class-Path setting in its manifest.

If you are running the client remotely from where the server is
running, use the package-appclient command to create a JAR containing
all the required GlassFish system files. (It won't include your
client files.) Then you can expand the resulting JAR on any remote
system that does not already have GlassFish installed and run the
appclient container.

- Tim

On Mar 9, 2012, at 3:16 PM, Comerford, Sean wrote:

> I am trying to run an EJB 3.1 client from a standalone process.
> I’m getting a no class def found on
> com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
> I know in GF v2 this was in appserv-rt.jar but I’m not sure what jar
> from GF 3.1.1 installation I need to put on my standalone classpath.
> Any help?
> --
> Sean Comerford
> Site Architecture